Brown sable, long-haired
Owner: Galina Efremova

1,5 mounth old
Rayskaya Ptichka Richard

Birthday: 31.10.07
Father: Champion of Russia, Champion of Working Dogs Federation
Rayskaya Ptichka Laskovuy Briz
Owner Regina Ivanova
Mother: Sher Simpotiajka Stesha Owner: Galina Efremova

5 mounth old
Rayskaya Ptichka Richard
7 mounth old
Rayskaya Ptichka Richard
1,7 years old
Rayskaya Ptichka Richard
1,7 years old
Rayskaya Ptichka Richard
1,7 years old
Rayskaya Ptichka Richard
Champion of Russia, Champion of Working Dogs Federation

Rayskaya Ptichka Laskovuy Briz

Champion of Russia, Champion of National Club of Breed, Grand Champion

Sher Gordon Shadow
Champion of Russia
Sher Elisey
Champion of Russia, Byelorussia, Moldova, Champion of National Club of Breed, Grand Champion
Sher Seliya

Rayskaya Ptichka Nezhenka
Чемпион России
Champion of Russia, Champion of National Club of Breed, Champion of Russia Champion of Russian Kinological Federation (RKF)
Lovelas iz Armii Lubvy

ЧChampion of Russia, 6 x Champion of National Club of Breed, Grand Champion, Champion of Russian Kinological Federation (RKF)

Sher Simpotiajka Stesha
Champion of Russia, Byelorussia, Moldova,
Champion of Serbia and Montenegro,Lithuania
Champion of National Club of Breed ,Grand Champion,

Sher Elf Leon
Champion of Russia
Sher Elisey
Sher Intriga

Sher Polinka
Champion of Russia,Young Champion of Russia,
Sher Idalgo
Champion of Russia, Moldova
Sher Stefaniya
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